Health and Safety File Services

Health & Safety Files


A Health and Safety File is required on all projects involving more than one contractor. If a Health and Safety File exists for a structure involved in a project with only one contractor, this file will still need to be updated.

The health and safety file should contain the information needed to allow future construction work, including cleaning, maintenance, alterations refurbishment and demolition to be carried out safely. The scope, structure and format of the file should be agreed between the client and the Principal Designer at the start of the project.

Safety CDM Ltd can assist with compiling a Health and Safety file at the end of a project

Contents of the Health & Safety File

The file must contain information about the current project that is likely to be needed to ensure health and safety during any subsequent work such as maintenance, cleaning, refurbishment or demolition. When preparing the health and safety file, information on the following should be considered for inclusion:

Safety compliance advisors reviewing architectural plans.

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