The regulations require the Principal Designer to notify the local HSE office of all construction work expected to last more than 30 working days and have 20 workers on-site at the same time, or where construction is expected to involve more than 500 person days work.
The initial notification F10 should be made as soon as possible after appointment of the Principal Designer. Further notifications would be required by changes in the information required on the notification. An additional notification would be required subsequent to the appointment of the Principal Contractor (if this appointment had not been made at the time of the initial notification), a change in the client or Principal Designer, or a significant change in workscope and/or duration. Additional notifications are NOT required where designers and contractors change.
This notification may be performed using the HSE Form 10 or by other means, including electronic, providing it contains the information specified by Schedule 1 of CDM2015, which consists of:
- Date of forwarding the notice.
- Address of the construction site or precise description of its location.
- The local authority where the construction site is located.
- Brief description of the project and the construction work that it entails.
- Contact details of the client: name, address, telephone number and (if available) an email address.
- Details of the principal designer: name, address, telephone number and (if available) an email address.
- Details of the principal contractor: name, address, telephone number and (if available) an email address.
- Date planned for the start of the construction phase.
- Time allocated by the client under regulation 4(1) for the construction work.
- Planned duration of the construction phase.
- Estimated maximum number of people at work on the construction site.
- Planned number of contractors on the construction site.
- Name and address of any contractor already appointed.
- Name and address of any designer already appointed.
- A declaration signed by or on behalf of the client that the client is aware of the client duties under these Regulations.