Duties of Principal Contractor – Checklist

Duties of Principal Contractor – Checklist
Principal Contractors must:
The principal contractor has the major responsibility for safety and health during the construction phase on notifiable projects only, and has the duties to plan, manage, monitor and coordinate the construction phase taking into account the general principals of prevention to ensure:

  • Safety & Health – the project is carried out without risks to health or safety.
  • Construction Phase Plan  to be drawn up as soon as practicable prior to setting up a construction site and updated, reviewed and revised so it continues to be sufficient.
  • Coordination of the implementation of the relevant legal requirements to ensure that the employers etc. apply the general principals of prevention in a consistent manner and follow the Construction Phase Plan.
  • Contractor training etc.  where appointed ensure the necessary information, instruction, and training is received and appropriate supervision to comply.
  • Cooperation with others and cooperate with any other person at the site or an adjoining site to enable others to perform their duties etc.
  • Site rules are draw up.
  • Welfare – ensure compliance throughout the construction phase.
  • Liaison with Principal Designer for the duration of the project and in particular regarding any information which is needed to prepare the H&SF or may affect the planning and management of the pre-construction phase.
  • Health and safety file is appropriately updated, reviewed and revised from time to time.
  • Site Inductions are provide.
  • Unauthorised access is prevent.
  • Workforce cooperation with arrangement which will enable the Principal Contractor and workers to cooperate effectively in promoting and developing measures to ensure health & safety at work and checking effectiveness.
  • Workforce consultation with  workers in good time on matters connected with the project which may affect their health, safety or welfare.
  • Display the project notification on the site.

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