CDM Designer Risk Assessment

CDM Designer Risk Assessment

CDM Designer Risk Assessment

As a Designer, under the CDM regulations, you must review your design from the start of any design work and through the design process, coordinating your design with other designers within the project team.

The management of risk during the design process is essential for a project to be built safely and maintained safely.

A common misunderstanding with Designers, following the introduction of the CDM 2015 Regulations, was to think the Design Risk Management process required designers simply to identify the residual hazards in their designs. Under the new CDM regulations  it is essential that Designers consider reducing risks through design decisions or provisions.

Managing safety during the design process can also make a big difference to the lives, health and well-being of those who work on the buildings and other structures. It affects construction workers, maintenance workers, the building users and members of the public.

To help designers ensure that key health and safety considerations have been covered within the design review, the design risk register below contains the A-Z of design risk assessment, 26 sections of key design topics to cover when developing your design.

Here is Work Safety Solutions A-Z of CDM design topics for your design risk assessment.

Existing Site H&S Design Review

A: Existing Environment

B: Clients Undertakings (Existing Building / Site Usage)

C: Existing Site / Building Information

D: Further Information Required

Construction H&S Design Considerations

E: Site Access Proposals

F: Site Set Up Proposals

G: Proposals for Site Plant and Storage Positions

H: Outline Demolition Sequence

I: Outline Structural Sequencing

J: Environment Considerations

Building Use H&S Design Considerations

 K: Ventilation

L: Indoor Temperatures

M: Lighting

N: Cleaning and Waste

O: Room sizes and Workstations

P: Floors and Traffic Routes

Q: Falls or Falling Objects

R: Windows, Glazing, Door and Gates

S: Sanitary, Washing and other Welfare Facilities

T: Safety Signage and Emergency Arrangements

Building Maintenance H&S Design Considerations

 U: External Maintenance Access

V: Internal Maintenance Access

W: Below Ground Level

X: External Areas

Y: Roofing Areas

Z: Future Demolition & Modifications

Remember, your design risk review does not need to cover every construction hazard, just focus on those that are specific, unusual or complex hazards associated with the project and its design.

Safety CDM Ltd is here to help Designers to comply with the CDM Regulations and advise on designer risk assessments. Call or email us for more information at or call 01494 445774.

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