While the Principal Designer takes charge of the pre-construction phase of the project, the Principal Contractor takes the lead during the construction phase. Clients should appoint this role to a contractor with the necessary skills, experience, and training to manage the construction while ensuring health and safety standards are met. The Principal Contractor will have all of the same responsibilities as contractors, plus a few more:
- Consider All Health and Safety Risks — The Principal Contractor is required to consider all health and safety risks that could arise during the construction phase of the project. They need to ensure the site is secure, and that necessary control measures are implemented to protect workers and the public from harm. They will also communicate any health and safety information to the Principal Designer.
- Liaise with the Client and Principal Designer — The Principal Contractor will communicate with the client and Principal Designer to review pre-construction information and determine the design and methods that will be used to achieve the desired project results. They will then ensure that all health and safety risks have been considered. This communication is also important because it helps all parties understand how risks will be managed throughout the project.
- Prepare a Construction Phase Plan — The 2015 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations introduced the need for every project to have a construction phase plan. The Principal Contractor will prepare this document detailing how health and safety risks will be managed throughout the construction stage of the project.
- Provide Welfare Facilities — The Principal Contractor will need to make sure welfare facilities such as toilets, washing facilities, drinking water and rest stations are available on-site before any work begins.
- Manage Contractors and Workers — The Principal Contractor will make sure the right contractors are hired for the project. Then they must organise contractor work schedules, provide them with project and site information, and inform them of hazards, risks and control measures that should be implemented. They also need to manage and supervise workers throughout the project.
Safety CDM Ltd and Safety CDM Ltd is here to help Principal Contractors to comply with the CDM Regulations. Call or email us for more information at info@cdm2015regs.co.uk or call 01494 445774

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